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Why not? Sounds good.

4 The Best Tea for Health

Tea is synonymous with health. Habit of sipping a cup of tea is also effective to reduce stress, prevent hypertension, to reduce the risk of heart disease. There are different kinds of tea in the world, but in general there are four types of tea which properties should not be underestimated.

Tea for Health

1. Darjeeling

Tea is touted as the world's best tea is picked from the tea plant that grows in the Himalayas in the Darjeeling region of India.

A recent study found the benefits of tea to inhibit the growth of pathogens that can cause pain H.pylori gastritis, peptic ulcers, and cancer colon. And, among the tea is Darjeeling tea was a direct positive effect on a five-minute intervals after drinking. To optimize the effect, avoid consuming tea mixed with milk.

2. Oolong Tea

Also referred to as semi-fermented tea. Oolong tea is very wide variation, from mild and sweet, until the tea is more strong and bitter.

According to a study of more than 1,500 subjects, those who drank two and a half cups of oolong tea or green tea every day, the risk of high blood pressure 46 percent lower. Oolong and green tea rich in antioxidants are effective to control the enzyme triggers an increase in blood pressure.

3. Black Tea

When the tea leaves left to ferment until the whole, they will turn into black tea, although the actual color is closer to red.

Many people prefer to have a healthy green tea, black tea but not less antioxidant. Four components of the antioxidants in black tea are known to protect brain from damage by way of specifics. Last year researchers from Germany revealed that black tea can protect the process of plaque formation in the brain that trigger Alzheimer's disease.

4. Yerba Mate

Derived from the leaves of plants that are considered sacred by the natives of South America, yerba mate herb belonging to the powerful. To reduce bitterness, yerba mate leaves enter into the warm water (not boiling).

Research in 2011 showed, yerba mate has the ability to destroy cancer cells. Components in tea, including caffeine, can damage the DNA of cancer cells.

Caffeine Can Help Strengthen Muscles

Caffeine Can Help Strengthen Muscles

Scientists claim that caffeine consumption may help improve muscle function, particularly in the elderly. Increased muscle function will help to maintain strength, reduce the risk of falls and injuries. The findings will be published on June 30, 2012 in the Society for Experimental Biology.

Sports Experts from Coventry University to see for the first time whether the effects of caffeine consumption associated with changes in muscle. The result is known that caffeine continue to improve muscle performance in rats, although less visible effective in older muscle.
In his study, the researchers isolated muscle from mice ranging in age from teenagers to senior citizens. Muscle performance and then tested before and after the mice were given caffeine. Researchers looked at two different skeletal muscles. The first is the diaphragm, the core muscles used for respiration, and the second is called the leg muscles extensor digitorum longus (EDL), which is used to move.
"Although the effect tends to decrease in muscles of older rats, consumption of caffeine may still provide benefits," Jason Tallis, principal investigator for the research.

For young adults, consumption of caffeine contributes to help the muscles to produce more power. But with age, our muscles will naturally change and become weaker.

Researchers said the effects of caffeine consumption are not very visible in young muscle. This may be because the muscles are still growing, so the effect of caffeine consumption is not too much difference.
Decrease in muscle strength with age contributes to trigger a wound or injury, and reduced quality of life. Researchers say that they do not know exactly how the mechanism of action of caffeine in increasing muscle strength. But it is clear that the key to keeping the muscles to remain strong is to keep active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

"It is important to maintain the lifestyle to stay physically active to maintain health and functional capacity. Improved performance of caffeine can provide evidence of benefit in the process of aging," said Tallis.

Tips to prevent constipation

Indigestion is often underestimated, but if allowed to drag can cause colon cancer (colon). Women more often constipated. Is it true that many cases of constipation experienced by women? Women are more influenced by physiological factors, physical, hormonal woman (such as menstruation and menopause), pregnancy and childbirth. So when compared with men, women are more frequent in intestinal transit disorders, including constipation and inflammation (inflammation) in the abdomen. One of the causes include the lack of food intake conditionally as well as the increasing use of drugs and laxatives.

Factors that cause constipation

Constipation is a condition in which the transit time of food in the intestine lasted more than 72 hours, the consistency of hard stools, digestive discomfort such as bloating, stomach feel full and heavy, and feces was slow spending. Feces of slow spending due to unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, the habit of delaying dfecate (Toilet) and excess stress. If this continues, over time the sufferer will be at risk for colon cancer.

Prioritizing fiber and probiotics

To prevent and overcome constipation, there is no other way than to change our habits or lifestyle during this time. Eat regularly, exercising regularly will help facilitate the body's metabolism and increase our fitness stamina. Consumption of fiber 25 - 30g / day of vegetables, fruits, and nuts also need to be done every day to stimulate bowel peristaltic movements optimally. In addition, multiply the consumption of prebiotic oligosaccharides containing (eg banana, papaya, sweet potatoes, onions,).

Tips to prevent constipation:

  • Apply a healthy and balanced diet. Drink plenty of water at least 10 cups or 2 liters per day. Since water helps digestion of food.
  • Get used defecate (Toilet) every day and do not in delay it.
  • Reduce drinking coffee or soft drinks that contain caffeine.
  • Perform regular exercise to facilitate the body's metabolism. If you do not have time to exercise, physical activity interspersed in your office with a walk or ride down stairs on a regular basis.
  • Get used to consume food and fiber on a regular basis to facilitate prosos transit in the intestine.

Swimmer’s ear

Outer ear infections (otitis externa) is an infection or inflammation caused by scratches caused by objects or water entering the ear canal. This disease generally affects children, especially those who like to swim. Therefore this disease is also called swimmer's ear.

The ear is the sense of hearing that its structure is divided into three areas, namely the outer ear, middle, and deep. Outside of the ear skin as our skin and the area covering the ear canal to the eardrum.

Area middle ear includes the eardrum to the cochlea almost get into. While the inner ear includes the cochlea to the inside. Infection can occur in the third place, but most often is the outer ear.

When water gets into the ear canal and trapped by a layer of wax (wax) which is naturally present in the lining of the middle ear, the skin will be moist and wet. This condition causes the fungi and bacteria thrive and can enter tissue in the ear canal and cause infection.

In addition to its take in water, the disease is also common because of the habit of insert objects into the ear, including cotton-stemmed (cotton buds). Cotton stemmed precisely push dirt into the ear and eardrum hurt. It was also able to scratch the ear canal.

The bacteria that most commonly causes inflammation of the ear is staphylococcus and pseudomonas. Those who suffer from diabetes are more susceptible to this infection.

Outer ear inflammatory disease could be identified from the following symptoms:

  • Itching and a feeling of fullness in the ear.
  • Ear canal look red and swollen, so painful to the touch.
  • Sometimes also out of fluid.
  • The hallmark of this disease is a pain when you chew or squeeze the outer ear.
  • Temporary hearing loss.
  • Inflammation of the outer ear infections are basically harmless and can heal itself within a few days. How quickly the recovery depends on the type and severity of infection and the factors causing the infection.

Even so immediately went to the doctor if the pain or pain in the ear persists for more than three days. Beware also of infection accompanied by fever in children.

Treatment is usually with oral antibiotics, can also contain an antibiotic ear drops to get rid of bacteria. If the cause is fungal, given antifungals. Often doctors also prescribe respiratory lozenges, antihistamines, or pain relievers as needed.

Patients are advised to rest to improve the condition of the body, drink plenty of water, six to eight glasses per day-especially if there is fever. Ears should be kept dry.

Know more about cataracts

Cataract is a clouding that develops in the envelope the eye or in the crystalline lens. Derived from the Latin "cataracta" which means "waterfall" and the Greek "kataraktes" which means "to wash". The lens works like a camera lens where the light enters the retina through the Glossary link available on the back of the eye. The lens helps the eye to focus so you can see clearly. Crystalline lens of the eye is made primarily of water and protein. Protein naturally be united so that light can penetrate and Glossary Links cataract is formed when a bond is changed and the protein molecules clumping. This clot will obstruct light to the lens to enter and as we get older, this blob will grow large and thick.

The researchers do not know why the eye's lens changes with age, so that it can cause cataracts. Although not common, cataracts also occur in young people, which is usually caused by trauma to the eye, prescription drugs or chronic health conditions Glossary Links. These have several risk factors that may cause cataracts, such as exposure to ultraviolet light in a long time, side effects such as miotonik disease, dystrophy, diabetes and Wilson's disease. The fetus is exposed to radiation, alcohol, and drug abuse during pregnancy have a high risk factor. Smoking is the most dangerous factor for cataract and use of alcohol Glossary links in the long term can also cause cataracts because of alcohol lead to vitamin deficiency, which deficiency Glossary Links Vitamin C and E have a relationship with the growth of cataracts. Glossary links are also a risk of eye infections are dangerous because Glossary Links tumor can cause changes that are often the growth of cataracts.

Cataracts are categorized into 3 types as the eye lens consists of three components, namely the nucleus or center of the lens, lens or skin periphery, and the membrane that lines the lens or capsule.

  • Nuclear Cataracts. Cataracts are common in older patients. This type is grown in the nucleus and it took many years to develop.
  • Cataracts Korsial. This type of cataract is formed in the peripheral area or areas of the skin of the lens. Korsial Cataracts are very common in patients with diabetes and if not promptly treated the fungus can spread to the middle of the eye.
  • Cataracts Subkapsular. Subkapsular cataracts develop in the area behind the lens and sometimes in the middle. Rapid symptom will occur only in about a period of 1 month.

In the initial phase, will tend to disrupt cataract vision, causing blurred or foggy vision, but this can be overcome by using new glasses, magnification, adequate lighting, strong bifocal or other visual aids. But when symptoms worsen which makes it difficult to perform daily activities such careful driving, reading or working, it will be necessary surgical removal by an ophthalmologist.

Dyspareunia: Pain during sex

Good sex should lead to a distinct pleasure for those who do. However, if there is pain when having sex, of course it is not very good. Dyspareunia, pain that is persistent or recurrent genital happened just before, during or after sexual intercourse and that causes depressed patients personally.

Symptoms can feel pain every time the penetration, the pain only under certain conditions, and new pain after having previously not sick.

Pain during penetration can be attributed to various factors, namely:

  • Lack of lubricant or lubrication. Often caused by a lack of foreplay. Lack of lubrication is also commonly caused by a decrease in estrogen levels after menopause, after childbirth or during breastfeeding. Certain drugs to inhibit arousal can decrease lubrication and make sex so painful. Including antidepressants, hypertension drugs, tranquilizers, antihistamines and certain birth control pills.
  • Injury, trauma or irritation, or irritation may include injuries caused by accident, pelvic surgery, female circumcision, episiotomy or a congenital abnormality.
  • Inflammation, infection or skin disorder. Infections of the genital area or urinary tract can cause Dyspareunia. Eczema or other skin problems in the genital area can also be a problem.
  • Reaction to the birth control products.
  • Vaginusmus, ie muscle spasms of the vaginal wall uncontrollably.
  • Vestibulitis, characterized by a sense of stinging or burning around the vagina.

If the pain feels very deep, may be caused by:

  • Some diseases such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, uterine prolapse, retroverted uterus, uterine fibroids, cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids and ovarian cysts.
  • Infection of the uterus or cervix fallopian tubes can cause deep pain.
  • Surgery or medical treatment. Injury from surgery in the pelvic area can sometimes cause Dyspareunia. Medical treatments for cancer, such as radiation and chemotherapy, can cause changes in the body that make sex so painful.

The emotional factor is also very influential, which include:

  • Psychiatric problems such as anxiety, depression, concerns about physical appearance, and discomfort.
  • Stress. Pelvic floor muscles are very sensitive to stress. So stress can cause painful intercourse.

Sometimes it is difficult to know whether any psychological factors associated with dyspareunia. Initial pain can lead to fear of pain will recur, making it difficult to relax and can cause more pain.

To minimize the pain of the couple can make some changes in sexual routine:

  • Switch positions. If the pain experienced during the drive penetration, the penis may hit the cervix or the pelvic floor muscles, causing pain or abdominal pain. Changing positions may help regulate the depth of penetration is good.
  • Communicate. Talk to your partner about what feels good and what is not.
  • Longer foreplay can help stimulate natural lubrication. The pain can be reduced by delaying penetration until women actually feel aroused.
  • Use a lubricant. In some women, lubricants containing glycerin may cause yeast infections. Read the label carefully or ask your doctor to recommend a product that's worth a try.

Drugs and therapy

  • Estrogen Therapy. For most postmenopausal women, dyspareunia is caused by inadequate lubrication due to low estrogen levels. It can be treated with a prescription cream, tablet or flexible vaginal ring.
  • Desensitization Therapy. During therapy, patients learn vaginal relaxation exercises can reduce pain. The therapist may recommend pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises) or other techniques to reduce pain during sexual intercourse.

Counseling or sex therapy. If sex has been painful for a long time, patients may experience a negative emotional response to sexual stimulation. If the patient and spouse to avoid intimacy because of painful intercourse, the patient may need to improve communication with your partner and restoring sexual intimacy. Talking with a sex therapist or counselor can help solve this problem.

Dyslexia: Difficult to recognize words

What is dyslexia? Dyslexia is the damage to the brain's ability to translate the writings received by the eyes into meaningful language. The disorder is also referred to the inability to read. Dyslexia is a learning disability that most often occurs in children.
Dyslexia usually occurs in children with the power of vision and normal intelligence. Children with dyslexia usually can speak normally, but have difficulty interpreting spoken language and writing.


Symptoms of dyslexia may be difficult to realize before the child goes to school, but some early symptoms can identify the problem. When the child reaches school age, teachers of children may be first noticed the problem.

Before school
Signs and symptoms of children who may be at risk of dyslexia include:

  • Too late to talk
  • Adding vocabulary with slow
  • Difficulty "Rhyming" (rhyme words)

School Age
When children at school, dyslexia symptoms may become more visible, including:

  • Reading at a level below what it calls for the child's age
  • Trouble in the process and understand something that children hear
  • Difficulties in gaining a full understanding of instructions faster
  • Problematic in more than one follow the instructions at the same time
  • The inability to pronounce pronunciation of the words that are not familiar
  • Difficulty seeing (and at certain times to hear) similarities and differences in letters or words.
  • Seeing the letters / words in reverse though see words or letters in reverse was common for young children, who are not dyslexic, under 8 years old. Children who have dyslexia will continue to see secar inverted after passing that age.
  • Difficulty spelling
  • It's hard to learn a foreign language

Causes & Risk Factors

Inability to learn is a condition that gave rise to the difference between a person's ability and performance. Most people with dyslexia have average intelligence level or below average. However, the level (level) is significantly lower reading than expected. Other Other types of learning disabilities include difficulty concentrating, inability to perform well in writing and solving math problems.

How to cope

Children with dyslexia need instruction individually and treatment for dyslexia often involves multi-sensory educational programs. Moral support from parents is also an important part.