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Coronary Heart: Disease and prevention

What is Coronary Heart?

Cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease, characterized by a heart attack.

Harvard University study says heart disease is a source of microbes. will not stick to cholesterol in the blood vessels of the heart when no one started. This microbe that causes cholesterol gathered in the heart blood vessels.

Characteristics of Patients with Coronary Heart

• Pain in left chest
• Shortness of breath
• Irregular heart rhythm
• Cold sweat
• Nausea and vomiting

Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Tips Early

1. Healthy eating
Avoid foods that contain lots of fat or high cholesterol. Seafood contains high cholesterol which can harm the heart. Reduce eating fried foods that contain lots of fat, otherwise the food can be processed by boiling, steaming or baking. Fry using olive oil has a little fat so it can be an option if the need to process food by frying.

2. Avoid foods with high sugar content
such as soft drinks, try using corn sugar. Do not consume too much carbohydrat, because in the body, carbohydrates are broken down into fat. In contrast, consumption of oats or wheat which can help keep the heart healthy.

3. Maintaining ideal body image of overweight
because a person who has a waist circumference greater than 80 cm, greater risk of developing this disease.

4. Quit smoking
Cigarette smoking is not good for heart health, then immediately stop this practice in order to stay healthy heart.

5. Avoid Stress
Stress is very difficult to avoid when living in big cities like Jakarta is known for its congestion and preoccupations. When a person experiences stress, the body will release cortisol, a hormone that causes blood vessels become stiff. Hormone norepinephrine to produce the body when suffering from stress, which may increase blood pressure. So, very good if you avoid the stress either at work or at home.

6. Hypertension
Problem of hypertension or high blood pressure can also cause heart disease. Hypertension can injure the arterial wall and allows the channel to enter the arteries of LDL cholesterol and increase the accumulation of plaque.

7. Obesity
Overweight or obese increases high blood pressure and abnormal fat. Avoiding or treating obesity or obesity is the main way to avoid diabetes. Diabetes accelerates coronary heart disease and increased risk of heart attack.

8. Exercising regularly
You can do sports activities such as walking, brisk walking, or jogging. Sports activities are competitive and not too much work to strengthen the heart and blood circulation throughout the body.

9. Consumption of antioxidants
Air pollution, motor vehicle fumes or smoke created the emergence of free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause ulcers or deposits in blood vessels that can cause blockage. To remove the content of free radicals in the body, the need for antioxidants that will catch and throw. Antioxidants can be obtained from a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Dental Care: Overcoming the cavities

Suffering from a toothache is not a pleasant experience. The pain can even make an adult cry. Cavities generally be the original cause us suffering from toothache. Toothache be too serious health problems for many people. What exactly happens to our teeth when suffering from toothache? What other result of tooth decay? How do I prevent toothache?


Dental cavities are not caused by worms such as the opinion of those in ancient times. This theory lasted until the 1700's to Willoughby Miller an American dentist who works at the University of Berlin found the cause of tooth decay. He found that cavities are caused by the encounter between the bacteria and sugar. The bacteria will convert the sugar from the remaining food into acids that cause tooth becomes acidic environment (natural environment teeth should be alkaline) and acid is what ultimately makes a small hole in tooth enamel.

When a hole occurs in the tooth enamel, we have not felt a toothache. However, a small hole on the next email may be a gap remaining food and the bacteria will make a bigger hole perforating the dentin. At this time we will feel the pains of the teeth while eating. If allowed, the hole will arrive at the nerve hole so we'll start to feel a toothache. This process will not stop until the teeth eventually become depleted and only the remaining tooth root.

Toothache can not be underestimated as some people, because if ignored, can make the teeth become swollen and inflamed. Additionally cavities can be a means of channel entry of germs into the bloodstream that can cause kidney disease, lung, heart and other diseases.

In order not getting worse, so if you have cavities you should immediately visit the dentist to treat it. Although many people do not like going to the dentist with a reason not care about the state of the teeth, expensive worried, afraid or ashamed of being ridiculed because of a broken tooth, but go to the dentist is the best solution to cope with toothache. Cavities can not heal by itself. Although, perhaps after suffering from a toothache, the pain may disappear but do not improve the situation teeth. Tooth cavities will remain, even the hole will keep getting bigger.

Unplug patching Dental

Steps will be taken generally dentist is patching a damaged tooth, if the hole is not too big. But, if we feel the pain of teeth, fillings process can not be directly carried out, because then the gas in the tooth can not get out. The doctor will give you painkillers or will turn off the tooth nerve that we are not tormented with pain. On the next visit then the teeth will be cleaned and patched temporarily, permanently filling done on my next visit again.

When the hole is too big and does not allow for patched, meaning tooth should be extracted. Just like the gold fillings, the tooth also can not be readily removed when the teeth still hurt. It is caused when we feel the toothache, the anesthetic drug (drug resistant so as not to hurt when teeth removed) can not penetrate the roots of teeth, so that when removed will cause tremendous pain. The process of tooth extraction can only be done when the tooth was not painful, and to relieve pain doctor will kill tooth nerve.

Overcoming Fear the Dentist

If you feel fear when dealing with your dental dentist, please write to your doctor. He was certainly happy to help you cope. You can tell him that you will be signaled by hand that you are afraid or feel sick when he was working on your teeth. Many patients find that it makes them quieter.

In addition most dentists often talked to their patients when handling dental patient. It is aimed at reassuring the patient.

Remember that healthy teeth to support the body's health. If you immediately improve your dental cavities, this will avoid problems and expensive treatment later on.
Unplug patching Dental and Dental

Steps will be taken generally dentist is patching a damaged tooth, if the hole is not too big. But, if we feel the pain of teeth, fillings process can not be directly carried out, because then the gas in the tooth can not get out. The doctor will give you painkillers or will turn off the tooth nerve that we are not tormented with pain. On the next visit then the teeth will be cleaned and patched temporarily, permanently filling done on my next visit again.

When the hole is too big and does not allow for patched, meaning tooth should be extracted. Just like the gold fillings, the tooth also can not be readily removed when the teeth still hurt. It is caused when we feel the toothache, the anesthetic drug (drug resistant so as not to hurt when teeth removed) can not penetrate the roots of teeth, so that when removed will cause tremendous pain. The process of tooth extraction can only be done when the tooth was not painful, and to relieve pain doctor will kill tooth nerve.

Prevent cavities

To prevent cavities, you can perform the following steps:

  • Checking your teeth regularly - Visit your dentist every 6 months even if you do not feel the toothache. This is necessary so the doctor can detect the tiny holes that occur on the teeth and can be handled immediately so that the hole is getting bigger. Can also detect the teeth are not flat or grooved tooth that can lead to difficult to clean.
  • Brushing your teeth regularly and at the right time - the morning after breakfast and at night before bed is the perfect time to brush your teeth. Saliva is not much out at the time we sleep, so the teeth will be damaged if you leave food residue on the teeth without the brush. Saliva is useful to memlinfungi teeth from bacteria that cause cavities.
  • Brushing teeth the right way - While brushing your teeth have been carried out regularly, but if done in a way that is not true, of course the result will not be maximized. The correct way is to brush downward to the front teeth (incisors) the top, brushing towards the top to the bottom front teeth and brushing horizontally for molars. Brushing your teeth should be longer, because the tooth has the potential attachment of leftovers.
  • Mouthwash after meals - Brushing your teeth is not possible after we eat, the best way is to rinse his mouth so that leftovers do not keep sticking and reduce acid in the dental situation.
  • Use dental floss to remove food residue - The remaining food is left, should not be removed by using a toothpick. The use of toothpicks may cause the greater the gap between the teeth in addition to causing injury to the gums.
  • Choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride - Using a toothpaste containing fluoride. This substance is one of the enamel-forming material. The existence of these substances can prevent decay on the teeth.
  • Eat fibrous foods - Eating vegetables or fruits are proven to make teeth stronger and prevent cavities.
  • Reduce foods that contain sugar and flour - This type of food when left on the teeth and the bacteria will cause the acid to create cavities.

Do you have a problem with dandruff hair?

Dandruff (pityriasis capitis by scientific name) is the excessive flaking of dead skin on the scalp. The cells are dead and flaky skin is a natural event that normally when peeling the numbers a bit. However, there are people who experience a constant rate, peeling in large numbers, followed by reddening and irritation. Most cases of dandruff can be cured with a special shampoo or medication-free.

Dandruff can also be a symptom of seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal infection or head lice. If you have dandruff, excessive head scratching should be avoided. Scratching can cause damage to the skin, which can further increase the risk of infection. Although this bacterial infection is the biggest risk from dandruff, most people will find that dandruff can cause social issues of loss of confidence for the sufferer. Therefore, immediate treatment is very important for purely social reasons.
Causes As skin grows, epidermal cells will be pushed out, where they eventually die and peel off from the head. In general, this peeling is too small to be visible eye. However, certain conditions caused turnover / cell growth becomes too rapid, especially common on the scalp. In the dandruff, skin cells may die and be replaced approximately every two weeks, whereas in people without dandruff, this cycle takes place once a month. The result, skin cells will die off and accumulate in large numbers, which appear as small pieces of white or gray on the scalp.

Nutrition Dandruff is a problem in some cases of poor nutrition, particularly due to zinc deficiency. Zinc can be found in foods such as shellfish, turkey, pork, and beans.

Exfoliation can be reduced, especially for those who have dandruff problems that do not too much, with proper hair care. Some people have the wrong perception by refusing to wash their hair, and think that the shampoo can cause a dry scalp and dandruff can make them become more numerous. Actually, with regular hair washing, the skins will be detached before the dead and collected a lot of looks. The right shampoo will help to restore the level of acidity kuilt good head, break down oils and preventing dead skin cells pile up into pieces that look. However, the shampoo is not intended specifically for the treatment, or a shampoo that is not for the treatment of seborrhoeic dermatitis, has no effect to treat irritated skin and red.