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Dyspareunia: Pain during sex

Good sex should lead to a distinct pleasure for those who do. However, if there is pain when having sex, of course it is not very good. Dyspareunia, pain that is persistent or recurrent genital happened just before, during or after sexual intercourse and that causes depressed patients personally.

Symptoms can feel pain every time the penetration, the pain only under certain conditions, and new pain after having previously not sick.

Pain during penetration can be attributed to various factors, namely:

  • Lack of lubricant or lubrication. Often caused by a lack of foreplay. Lack of lubrication is also commonly caused by a decrease in estrogen levels after menopause, after childbirth or during breastfeeding. Certain drugs to inhibit arousal can decrease lubrication and make sex so painful. Including antidepressants, hypertension drugs, tranquilizers, antihistamines and certain birth control pills.
  • Injury, trauma or irritation, or irritation may include injuries caused by accident, pelvic surgery, female circumcision, episiotomy or a congenital abnormality.
  • Inflammation, infection or skin disorder. Infections of the genital area or urinary tract can cause Dyspareunia. Eczema or other skin problems in the genital area can also be a problem.
  • Reaction to the birth control products.
  • Vaginusmus, ie muscle spasms of the vaginal wall uncontrollably.
  • Vestibulitis, characterized by a sense of stinging or burning around the vagina.

If the pain feels very deep, may be caused by:

  • Some diseases such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, uterine prolapse, retroverted uterus, uterine fibroids, cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids and ovarian cysts.
  • Infection of the uterus or cervix fallopian tubes can cause deep pain.
  • Surgery or medical treatment. Injury from surgery in the pelvic area can sometimes cause Dyspareunia. Medical treatments for cancer, such as radiation and chemotherapy, can cause changes in the body that make sex so painful.

The emotional factor is also very influential, which include:

  • Psychiatric problems such as anxiety, depression, concerns about physical appearance, and discomfort.
  • Stress. Pelvic floor muscles are very sensitive to stress. So stress can cause painful intercourse.

Sometimes it is difficult to know whether any psychological factors associated with dyspareunia. Initial pain can lead to fear of pain will recur, making it difficult to relax and can cause more pain.

To minimize the pain of the couple can make some changes in sexual routine:

  • Switch positions. If the pain experienced during the drive penetration, the penis may hit the cervix or the pelvic floor muscles, causing pain or abdominal pain. Changing positions may help regulate the depth of penetration is good.
  • Communicate. Talk to your partner about what feels good and what is not.
  • Longer foreplay can help stimulate natural lubrication. The pain can be reduced by delaying penetration until women actually feel aroused.
  • Use a lubricant. In some women, lubricants containing glycerin may cause yeast infections. Read the label carefully or ask your doctor to recommend a product that's worth a try.

Drugs and therapy

  • Estrogen Therapy. For most postmenopausal women, dyspareunia is caused by inadequate lubrication due to low estrogen levels. It can be treated with a prescription cream, tablet or flexible vaginal ring.
  • Desensitization Therapy. During therapy, patients learn vaginal relaxation exercises can reduce pain. The therapist may recommend pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises) or other techniques to reduce pain during sexual intercourse.

Counseling or sex therapy. If sex has been painful for a long time, patients may experience a negative emotional response to sexual stimulation. If the patient and spouse to avoid intimacy because of painful intercourse, the patient may need to improve communication with your partner and restoring sexual intimacy. Talking with a sex therapist or counselor can help solve this problem.

Dyslexia: Difficult to recognize words

What is dyslexia? Dyslexia is the damage to the brain's ability to translate the writings received by the eyes into meaningful language. The disorder is also referred to the inability to read. Dyslexia is a learning disability that most often occurs in children.
Dyslexia usually occurs in children with the power of vision and normal intelligence. Children with dyslexia usually can speak normally, but have difficulty interpreting spoken language and writing.


Symptoms of dyslexia may be difficult to realize before the child goes to school, but some early symptoms can identify the problem. When the child reaches school age, teachers of children may be first noticed the problem.

Before school
Signs and symptoms of children who may be at risk of dyslexia include:

  • Too late to talk
  • Adding vocabulary with slow
  • Difficulty "Rhyming" (rhyme words)

School Age
When children at school, dyslexia symptoms may become more visible, including:

  • Reading at a level below what it calls for the child's age
  • Trouble in the process and understand something that children hear
  • Difficulties in gaining a full understanding of instructions faster
  • Problematic in more than one follow the instructions at the same time
  • The inability to pronounce pronunciation of the words that are not familiar
  • Difficulty seeing (and at certain times to hear) similarities and differences in letters or words.
  • Seeing the letters / words in reverse though see words or letters in reverse was common for young children, who are not dyslexic, under 8 years old. Children who have dyslexia will continue to see secar inverted after passing that age.
  • Difficulty spelling
  • It's hard to learn a foreign language

Causes & Risk Factors

Inability to learn is a condition that gave rise to the difference between a person's ability and performance. Most people with dyslexia have average intelligence level or below average. However, the level (level) is significantly lower reading than expected. Other Other types of learning disabilities include difficulty concentrating, inability to perform well in writing and solving math problems.

How to cope

Children with dyslexia need instruction individually and treatment for dyslexia often involves multi-sensory educational programs. Moral support from parents is also an important part.

How to care your teeth properly

How is the good dental care?

1. Brushing teeth properly and regularly, for this there are three factors to be considered:

  • Selection of Toothbrushes - Feather brushes do not be too hard / soft / rare. End of a toothbrush and hair brush tip as close as possible, if not the end toothbrush is fixed to the back but got no hair brush your teeth, so there was the tooth that is not tersikat. This is usually the wisdom teeth.
  • Method / movement toothbrush - Vertical from the gums to the tooth tip. For the upper jaw from the top down. For the lower jaw upward. The outside, inside and chewing surface of teeth to be brushed carefully, do not be too hard, but steady. The gums should be brushed to soft food remnants in the neck missing teeth and also we are unconsciously doing massage (massage) the gums, so the gums healthy, supple and do not bleed easily. And again we prevent the occurrence of tartar.
  • Frequency toothbrush - Twice a day, morning and night. The most important thing at night before bed. Of course you should brush your teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride to strengthen the email.

2. Control to the dentist regularly, at least 6 months.
What factors should be considered for dental care to avoid things that are not desirable?

In children, parental supervision factor is especially important on those days:

  • Toddlers - more attention should be brushing your teeth, if necessary, the child's mother had to brush your teeth. Eliminate bad habits such as thumb sucking, etc..
  • Children ages 5-10 years old - At the turn of the milk teeth, permanent teeth are often examined what has grown. Probably not shake the milk teeth, if too late revoked, so double teeth or uneven.

In adults, discipline factors, heredity, race, nutrition and habits influence dental health.

3. The way to keep teeth healthy

Healthy tooth is teeth clean with no holes. So with a good dental care and regular as already explained earlier. If there are dental cavities, immediately patched. It must always healthy teeth.

What are tooth decay that occurs because of the food / beverage?

Sweet foods like chocolate and sticky like a lunkhead if not promptly brushed / mouthwash will be left behind and causing tooth decay. Also drinks such as tea, coffee, soft drinks (coca-cola etc), and cigarettes can cause a thin layer of the tooth called the stain so that the color of teeth so dull, brownish. Stain the rough layer is easily attached by the remnants of food and germs, which eventually form plaque, if not cleaned and will harden into tartar (calculus) and can propagate to the root of the tooth. Consequently teeth bleed easily, wobbly teeth easy and easy to date. Can also occur abscess or swelling on the tooth. Preferably after a meal / drink that has been mentioned earlier we rinse or brush your teeth.

What to do or how to care for teeth in the elderly?

a. More often than controls to the dentist, because:

  • In elderly teeth more brittle because the email is getting thinner, closer to the bottom layer of dentine is softer than email.
  • More complications of old age diseases that occur on the teeth. For example, diabetes mellitus (diabetes) that can cause teeth and gums bleed easily shake.

b. Replacing missing teeth with dentures since repealed, both the print and a removable, so that these functions can be restored tooth like:

  • Aesthetic: if a lot of missing teeth, cheek look peyot and look older.
  • Mastication: so there is no digestive disease.
  • Voice: especially if the lost front tooth.
  • Confident: when missing teeth, it will be easy insecure.

When there are problems existing cavities and food into the hole, what can use a toothpick?

If there is food into the tooth cavity certainly very unpleasant, uncomfortable, sometimes pain. Remove with a clean toothpick, but after it came to the dentist to be treated and patched.

When a new person to pull a tooth if it could spread to other teeth?

If after the revocation, the teeth are not replaced with dentures, the teeth on either side will shift towards a new tooth pulled, teeth become loose as a result, many food remnants stuck in there, hard to clean, which ultimately rest- The remaining food will rot, cause bad breath and unpleasant mouth sour mood, a lot of germs that cause damage or holes in the tooth. So it's not contagious but can cause damage to other teeth.

How to excite the children under five in order to diligently brushed your teeth?

  • By showing interesting pictures of teeth, give examples of the adults around him that by brushing your teeth, your teeth will be healthy and not easy toothache.
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes were given colorful and tasty, for example toothpaste pink with strawberry flavor. Of course all toothbrushes and toothpaste are used would have been approved by the MOH and no side effects and are not dangerous.

How to keep teeth healthy prevention as early as possible

  • Pregnant Women. In the third month of pregnancy, the mother should be enough vitamin containing calcium, because the teeth of children in the womb begin to be formed in the third month of pregnancy. Do not take any medicine without doctor's orders, because there are certain types of drugs that affect the growth of teeth. Eg Tetracycline type antibiotics can cause the teeth of children who are conceived to be colored or grayish yellow and brittle. Then the drug must be taken permission from the treating physician.

  • In Toddler - Do not carelessly give antibiotics

Is it true that the teeth can be bleached?

God gave us humans teeth are a variety of colors. There are white, yellow, gray and brown. So if people base color of yellow teeth, of course, can not be bleached. These functions return only bleach the color of teeth to the natural color and brilliant as the person owned. So if permanent yellow color, so the return of a bright yellow, if the color white permanent, return it into a brilliant white.

Not all tooth discoloration can be removed by whitening your teeth, consider the following information:

  • Since cigarettes, tea, coffee, can be removed with tooth whitening.
  • Because tartar, can not be removed with bleach, but it must be cleaned coral teeth by a dentist.
  • Because of the age factor. Faded color of teeth in old age because the email to the thinner the layer below, ie the older colored dentine that looming reality. This can not be removed with bleach.

In addition to tooth whitening, cosmetic tooth types are patched, sleeves porcelain, and reshaping the teeth.