Healthy Food. Yummy!

Make your life more meaningful by eating healthy foods every day. Get information here!

Stay Healthy!

Always healthy until you're old. It's fun to see all of you playing with your grandchildren.

Healthy and Fun

Why you not try biking? It's fun and also healthy.

Child Care

Want to see your child healthy? Let them work out with their friends.


Why not? Sounds good.

Know the types of vegetarian and its benefits

Because the reasons for health, beauty, love of animals, and reduce global warming, making the person ultimately reduce or do not consume animal flesh and dairy products. People like this usually called vegetarian. But, did you know that there are several types of vegetarians based on what is consumed? What are the benefits and difficulties that have to undergo a diet like this?

Benefits of Being Vegetarian
The benefits of a vegetarian does mainly for health. These benefits include:

  • Useful for your health. As already known, vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber which helps the digestive tract health and make you well every day. Vegetables and fruit also contains many antioxidants that can prevents cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
  • Increase the beauty, ageless skin by consuming natural foods. Vegetables and fruits can make the body look more slender.
  • Helps reduce the disturbing global warming the earth's population. Livestock industry to be one cause of global warming on Earth and also contributed quite a lot of pollution, especially air pollution. Besides warming and pollution generated in the industry, pollution is also generated from the process of making food for the animals.

Difficulties Being Vegetarian
Besides the benefits, there was also a feeling of not able to try vegetarianism. Causes that may be experienced:

  • Too fond of meat, making it very difficult if you have to leave for the taste of meat for good
  • By becoming a vegetarian will find it difficult if you have to eat outside because it was difficult to find vegetarian food on the market.

Type of Vegetarian
After seeing some of the benefits and difficulties encountered, you may be interested in becoming a vegetarian too. Vegetarian does not mean people who only eat vegetables, but vegetarians are divided into several types. Each type has its own rules. Type of vegetarian diet consists of:

  • Vegan. Do not consume any animal flesh be it red meat, poultry or fish meat. Vegans do not consume animal products processed from a case of eggs, milk, or cheese.
  • Lacto Vegetarian. Do not consume any type of meat (red meat, poultry or fish meat) and eggs. But continue to consume milk.
  • Lacto ovo Vegetarian. Do not consume any type of meat but allowed to eat eggs or dairy.
  • Pesca Vegetarian. Do not consume red meat or poultry but allowed to keep eating eggs, milk and fish meat.
  • Flexitarian. Is the level that many make allowances for this type is still allowed to consume meat and dairy products occasionally.
  • Frutarian. Just eat fruits, seeds and nuts are rich in vitamin E and is useful for skin beauty and ageless.
  • Raw Foodist. Consume only raw foods, because the cooking process is considered to damage the natural things that exist.

The decision to become vegetarian or not the decision itself that you can think of to consider the benefits and difficulties. So, are you ready become a vegetarian?

Causes of child's obesity and the solutions

Obesity or overweight is not only struck adults. Statistics show that in many countries, obesity has also hit the children to some degree of concern. Lack of knowledge of the parents or the view of children overweight or obese is healthy and adorable child who can exacerbate this condition. Why is obesity or being overweight dangerous? Then how to solve it?

Obesity or being overweight can cause various negative effects on health. Children who are still innocent certainly do not understand this danger. So, is the responsibility of parents keep their children stay healthy. Parents need to know what causes obesity and how to prevent or solve the problem of child obesity.

Due to Obesity
Diseases that can be caused by obesity are diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. Diseases once considered a disease of old age and mature, can now be experienced in children due to deposition of fat, cholesterol and sugar contained in the body. Respiratory distress or asthma are at greater risk experienced by children who are obese.

In addition, children with overweight or obese can also have trouble moving and impaired growth due to excessive fat deposits in the organs of the body that should be developed. Not to mention the psychological effects experienced by children, such as ridicule from classmates in children who have been in school.

Causes of Obesity
Some of the causes of obesity in children are:

1. Genetic factors
Is the hereditary factors of parents are difficult to avoid. When the father or mother is overweight, this can be passed on to children.

2. Fast food and snacks in containers
The rise of fast food restaurants is one factor. The kids mostly like fast food or fast food is even more children who will eat with gusto and add portions when eating fast food. Though these foods generally contain high fat and sugar that cause obesity. Parents often use the busy fast food is practically served to give to their children, although bad for the child's nutritional content. Fast food is delicious, but even though it has no nutrients for growth and development of children. That's why fast food is often referred to as junk food or junk food. In addition, children's favorite snacks in containers at or sweet foods to be things that are worth noting.

3. Soft drink
Just like fast food, soft drinks (soft drinks) proved to have a high sugar content so the weight will quickly add up if you consume this drink. Delicious and refreshing taste that makes the kids really enjoyed this drink.

3. Lack of physical activity
Childhood identical to the play. First, children's games are usually a physical game that requires kids running, jumping or other movement. However, it has been replaced with electronic games, computers, Internet, or television is simply done by just sitting in front of it without having to move. This is what causes children exercise less, causing overweight.

Obesity Solutions
To you who have children with overweight or obesity, should not impose a strict diet for children as this may impair the growth and health. In contrast to tackle child obesity or preventing your child not to be obese, the steps you can take are as follows.

  • Notice that the food will be given to children. Reduce consumption of fast food or fast food, packaged snacks, soft drinks, sweet snacks or foods with high fat content. Instead, serve meat and fresh vegetables. Increase consumption of fruits and milk are good for growing children. Provide appropriate portion and not too excessive.

  • Provide breakfast and lunch for children. Breakfast is a good beginning for the children when started the day. This is necessary so that children can be strong during the move in schools and prevent overeating later. By bringing food from home, parents can control the nutrition of children and avoid that children do not need to snack outside.
  • Fix the food processing techniques.Do not fry too much food for not too much fat consumed. You can try to steam, boil or bake foods to healthier foods.
  • Set the rules of eating
  • Familiarize your child to eat at the table instead of in front of the television or computer. Many people will not realize how much food they have eaten when he ate while enjoying television or in front of the computer.
  • Limit television watching, video games or computer use. Doing these activities will make your child lazy to move, it would require strict rules about how long this activity should be done. Furthermore, you can help your child to be like other entertainment such as biking, playing ball or just jumping rope.
  • Perform activities that require physical activity. You and your children can plan to do with sports activities like jogging, jog, swim, badminton or other sports. Or plan a vacation with the beach, the zoo or park so that you and your child can walk more.

Children who are obese are funny and adorable. But keep our beloved sons and daughters so that they grow healthy and also has a lifestyle and a healthy diet. Parents are responsible for providing the best for their children. Remember that obesity or overweight is not a good thing for a child.

Know more in obesity and its causes

Obesity has a different meaning for everyone. In most women and men, obesity means being overweight far exceeds the desired weight.

Sometimes we are often confused with the understanding of obesity and overweight, even though these two words have different senses. Obesity is a condition where there is an excess accumulation of body fat, so that a person's weight well above normal and can be harmful to health. While overweight is a state where a person's weight exceeds the normal weight.

Many people have different opinions on obesity, but here are some definitions of obesity based on medical science:

  • A condition in which body fat is in an excessive amount
  • A chronic disease that can be treated
  • An epidemic disease
  • A condition associated with other diseases and can reduce the quality of life

Treatment of obesity requires a very high maintenance costs, so many people prefer a natural treatment to treat obesity.
Obesity occurs because of imbalance between energy intake with energy out. Body Mass Index (BMI) has been recognized as the most practical method of determining the level of overweight and obesity in adults under the age of 70.

Many researchers claim that obesity is a "time bomb" that must be wary of. Unsightly addition, obesity also save a lot of the negative side. Body so tired, troubled breathing, and even stop breathing during sleep. And more frightening, too fat makes the body prone to infestation of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and arthritis. Obesity is not only associated with physical illness, but also with psychiatric problems, particularly anxiety.

Causes of obesity


Obesity can be decreased in the family but the mechanism is still remains unclear, although family members are genetically predisposed to having excess weight. This is possible because many genes are involved in the process of energy expenditure and income. Research conducted in 1994 against the obese gene in mice has opened up insights into this field. Obese gene is a protein known as leptin and produced by fat cells (adiposity) that are secreted into the blood. Leptin serves as an ambassador (massanger) from adipose tissue that provides information to the brain about the size of fat mass. One of the main effects as inhibitors of the synthesis and release of neuropeptide Y, by increasing food intake, lowering thermogenesis and increase insulin levels. Leptin tells the brain about the amount of fat available, but in obese people this process may not function properly.

Factors Physiology

Overweight and Obesity increases with increasing age and then declines before finally stopping in the elderly. BMI also increased in women who are pregnant.

Socio-Economic Factors

In everyday life there is a contradiction in the relationship between social economic status and prevalence of overweight. Low social level, where food is difficult to obtain, overweight appears as a visual indicator of the level of prosperity and status. But on the contrary, at a higher social level, emaciation is considered as a desire that must be achieved while overweight is seen as an indicator of lower status.

Behavior and Psychology

For individuals who are inactive, including those who rarely exercise, consume alcohol and smoking - tends to increase BB. Although alcohol may have the effect of 'cardioprotective', but excessive consumption can lead to excess energy intake, resulting in liver and gastrointestinal diseases, such as gallblader disease.

Smokers tend to have a lighter weight than the former smokers, and those who never smoked is between the two groups. Psychological factors also influence eating habits. Eating, for some people it can also provide a negative response from the emotions, such as boredom and sadness.