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Stay Healthy!

Always healthy until you're old. It's fun to see all of you playing with your grandchildren.

Healthy and Fun

Why you not try biking? It's fun and also healthy.

Child Care

Want to see your child healthy? Let them work out with their friends.


Why not? Sounds good.

Eye Health: Computer Eye Syndrome

Fatigue of the eye is often referred to as Computer Eye Syndrome or asthenopia in medical language.

Computer Eye Syndrome is a condition that manifests the eyes of non-specific such as fatigue, pain, blurred vision, headaches and so on due to excessive computer use after other causes ruled out. The first thing we can do is rearrange the monitor settings and room to work, so that adverse effects Computer Eye Syndrome can be minimized.

Comfortable Viewing Position

Seeing an object that is close to our eye muscles to work extra. You can try to get your eye muscles are more relaxed. One way to rearrange the order of your monitor. Here are tips to set it:

Try your monitor is approximately along the arm of your eye (Â ± 50cm)
Place the monitor display is lower than your eyes
Try the monitor has a slope of 10 â € "20 degrees from the vertical plane making it easier for you to see
Put the monitor on my desk (do not put that on top of the CPU)
Keep the monitor and keyboard in one direction orientation, it is useful to mengurahi strain on the neck.
Document Proper Place

If you need at a paper document in the works, put your documents are also in the same direction as the orientation of your computer. The best place is a piece with your monitor screen. How do I? Hang the document next to the monitor. If this is not possible, you can place it vertically aligned with the monitor. Avoid placing the document on the table, next to the monitor (not plot). This will make your eyes work much harder.

Light Intensity

Lighting techniques tailored to the type of work you intend to do. If you work with computers without a document, for example designing a computer program, rather dim lighting that will be useful to improve your concentration on the monitor screen. But there are things to consider is lighting produced should be uniform. This prevents the eye receives light from one direction only which will also cause eyestrain.

But if your job requires you to pay attention to objects outside the screen, a kind of document for example, the bright room lighting will be better for your eyes. Especially when the object is a document that you use a small bearing and full of detail. Natural lighting such as sunlight can be a source of good lighting. However you need additional tools, such as curtains, to adjust the intensity of natural lighting. Curtain drapes used was not in vain. Use a small hole in the curtain fabric evenly, so that the resulting beam had to be uniform.

Antiglare screen

In addition to the reflection of light, you are also advised to avoid reflections of other objects around your monitor. It is now widely sold flat-screen monitors and have been coated with antiglare coating. This is very beneficial in reducing the reflection effect. But for those of you who still use the convex-screen monitor, there's nothing wrong if you try using an antiglare screen that has long been much in the market.

Suitable Surround

The burden of your eyes will increase if you pay attention to the screen where the light around the monitor is brighter than the monitor itself. Therefore, to avoid placing the light source behind the screen. Put the monitor in the window was not recommended.

Characteristic Monitor

Keep your monitor is set to the level of the optimal contrast and brightness so that the picture becomes clearer. This also will reduce the work of your eyes. These changes can you do it manually on your monitor and also through the contrast settings of your computer operating system (eg control panel on windows operating system).

Color Display

Selection color on the background sheet and writings that contrast is also quite influential. Display a white background with black text is the view of the most obvious and most recommended. Background and writing that will reduce the contrast in color, while the black background and white lettering will cause reflections that are not profitable. Both are less recommended.

Tips to take care newborn babies

Caring for a newborn baby is often considered to be a tough job for parents. Even many parents who choose to hire a baby sitter to do this job. In essence, caring for a newborn is not a difficult job. Here are some tips for caring for newborns.

1. Notice when the baby is hungry. In the first months, hunger is a major cause of infant crying. Therefore, offering baby food is the most effective way to stop crying, even if it means you should breastfeed your baby as often as possible; morning, afternoon, evening and night. Why do babies eat another meal again? This is because, hunger is a new sensation for him. In the womb the baby's mother used to receiving continuous dietary intake of the placenta, so never feel hungry.

When born into the world, the baby's digestive system is not used to digest the food in bulk, then "empty" some time. To help your baby adapt to these differences, in the first weeks you do not need to set the clock to eat babies. Feed him as often as possible. Feeding schedule will be formed at the age of about five weeks.

2. Pee and defecate new baby is also not yet know the schedule. But frequent urination is a good thing, a sign of well-fed baby. Do not delay changing the baby, that baby is not crying because of wet and uncomfortable. Observe also the urine and feces because they can be a means of measuring the condition of the baby, for example, are too yellow urine indicates the baby is less liquid. Feces exclusively breastfed babies more soft and not too smelly. After the baby pee or defecate, immediately clean the genitals. Sprinkle with the buttocks and crotch to avoid diaper rash cream.

3. Baby Dress Code. What exactly should dress in layers and always wear a blanket? When the hot air and babies are in non-conditioned room, check behind the baby's neck, if it feels hot and humid, it means he's swelter. If so, get rid of his bed and replace it with a lighter shirt. Make sure the baby clothes made of natural materials, such as 100% cotton, which absorbs sweat, easily washed and ironed. Guide to travel another dress. Wear a coat or a cardigan, socks, shoes and hat on the baby to prevent him from catching cold.

4. Baby Cosmetics. Cosmetics baby many kinds, there are baby bath, baby shampoo, baby oil, baby lotion, baby powder, baby cream, baby cologne and hair lotions. Actually, not all babies need, so be wise in choosing. Whatever the brand, use a product that has been clinically tested or Clinical Proven Mild (CMP). If your baby reacts negatively when applied certain cosmetics, such as red patches occur in the skin, then chances are she was allergic to the content of such cosmetics. Stop using.

Turn to the free baby cosmetics chemicals (green product). Still associated with minimizing the contiguity baby with chemicals, avoid also use fragrances or fabric softener product. Chemicals in it too "strong" and can irritate baby's skin.

5. Baby hated activities. Most babies do not like to show off-to-wear clothes, bathing, shampooing, was given eye drops and nose drops nose. He could run amok! The solution, do this activity with the fast, but remain cautious. Divert the attention the baby with him to talk, give hugs and kisses.

6. Comfortable environment. It is important to create a comfortable environment for your baby. Keep the baby's environment is not too crowded or noisy, too cold (less than 20 degrees Celsius) or too hot (over 31 degrees Celsius). Babies can also be fussy because of glare, so make sure the lights or sunlight does not fall right into his eyes. Comfortable environment also means free mosquito and insect bites. You can do fogging in the house a few days before the baby comes. Not recommended to use insecticides in the nursery because the venom could stick on baby items. Just use a mosquito net.

7. Baby toys. The function of the toy is not just entertaining but also introduces the baby in various shapes and eye muscles to be more focused. For that, choose toys with bright colors. Chugging toy (musical mobile) that hung on the bed will stimulate baby's senses of sight and hearing. Teddy bears that pleasant soft baby when she felt it. Rattle, handheld toy that says if shaken, as well as entertain and train babies senses. But not always have expensive toys, you know. Babies are also very amused to see her reflection in the mirror, the shadow on the wall and drops of rain. And, of course, nothing is more exciting than a baby when he played with his father and mother.

8. Sleep Ritual. Total sleep time a new baby is 16 hours a day, with a restless night's sleep, interrupted several times to wake up. After the age of 5 weeks, then the baby has a sleep pattern remains, namely to bed early at night and wake up 2-3 times in the middle of the night. Bedtime ritual can help your baby sleep more quickly and quality. Stages, bathe the baby with warm water that had spilled baby bath, baby massage with baby oil or lotion, after that create the atmosphere of calm in his bedroom. You can read stories, sing nursery infant sleep or anoint it with baby powder. Use the soothing scent of baby products, but safe and clinically tested or Clinically Proven Mild (CMP).

9. Recognize Newborn Illness. Colic, diaper rash, nasal congestion, eye infections, tongue moldy and fever after immunization is a new baby subscriptions disease. When experience, the baby will fuss with an unusual cry. Quickly find out and overcome. If Little diaper rash, clean the diaper open, and let him without a diaper - diangin-wind - the time being. Nasal congestion, eye infections, fever after immunization and moldy tongue can be anticipated with a prescription drug from a doctor. While colic is generally not curable, can be overcome by making the baby comfortable, rocked, fed, or rubbed his belly rubbed.

10. People Around Baby. Babies are adorable, but, treat him appropriately. If too many people who picked her up and take a joke, if a little clothes replaced, bit by bit to be fed, or if Father and Mother of overreacting to his cries, the baby can be stressful too. In addition, the smooth feeling of a baby can make "catch" the mood of the mother as the person closest. When the mother bad mood due to fatigue, for example, a baby and she could tell me-too fussy. So, keep your mood around your baby. If you need a break, leave the baby on the other caregivers in the home.

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disease that many of us encounter in society, particularly urban communities. With so many problems of work and life issues that arise make this disease easily infect people today. Hypertension or high blood pressure this could be one factor in causing strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure also. Even the most severe consequence is death. Therefore, whenever possible we prevent the disease from the outset.

Causes of Hypertension / High Blood Pressure

There are several things that can cause a person has high blood pressure. There are factors that cause high blood pressure that can not be controlled. There also can be controlled so that it can cope with this high blood pressure. Some of these factors include:

1. Descent

This factor can not be controlled. A study showed that there was evidence of a gene derived for high blood pressure problems. So if someone has a parent or relative who has high blood pressure, then it is likely he suffered from high blood pressure is greater. Statistics show that the problem of high blood pressure is higher in identical twins than identical twins are not.

2. Age

This factor can not be controlled. The results showed that when a person's age increases, the blood pressure will increase. You can not expect that your blood pressure will be the same as young as you grow older. But you can control in order not to pass the upper limit of normal.

3. Salt

These factors can be controlled. In some people, especially for diabetics, people with mild hypertension, people with old age, and those who were black, salt can increase blood pressure quickly. Therefore, for these sufferers are expected not to consume foods that contain too much salt.

4. Cholesterol

These factors can be controlled. Cholesterol will accumulate on the walls of blood vessels when blood lipid excess. This can make blood vessels constrict and blood pressure will increase consequently. Therefore, control your cholesterol as early as possible.

5. Obesity / Overweight

These factors can be controlled. People who have a body weight above 30 percent ideal body weight, are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Calculation of ideal body weight.

6. Stress

These factors can be controlled. Stress and emotional conditions are not stable also can trigger high blood pressure.

7. Cigarette

These factors can be controlled. Smoking also can increase blood pressure becomes high. Smoking habits may increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Therefore, smoking habit which continues to proceed when it has high blood pressure, is a very dangerous combination that will trigger diseases related to heart and blood.

8. Caffeine

These factors can be controlled. Caffeine found in coffee, tea, and cola drinks can cause increased blood pressure.

9. Alcohol

These factors can be controlled. Consume alcohol to excess also causes high blood pressure.

10. Poor Sports

These factors can be controlled. Lack of exercise and moving can cause increased blood pressure in the body. With regular exercise can lower your high blood pressure. However, do not do heavy exercise if you suffer from high blood pressure.