10 natural ways to quit smoking

Smoking is addictive. It is difficult to eliminate the smoking habit although you have to know the harmful effects of cigarettes brought to you or those around you. Here are 10 natural ways to help you quit smoking.

1. Sucking Through Cold Drinks Straws and Snacking.

Inhaling cold drink through a straw will help you eliminate the habit of smoking cigarettes. Research shows suck cold drinks this will trigger the release of dopamine that makes the sensation of comfort for yourself so you can eliminate the negative mood.

Snacking also helps you eliminate the desire to smoke. Whenever a desire arises, you can try snacking to arrest him. Of course choose a good, healthy snacks like fruits, whole grain cereal, oatmeal etc..

2. Make a list of benefits if you quit smoking

Immediately make a list of benefits if you quit smoking. Every time you want to smoke, immediately read the list so that you realize how many benefits of quitting smoking. This can help you psychologically to quit smoking.

3. Frequent brushing

By quitting smoking you will have fresh breath. Brushing your teeth will make your mouth will feel fresh, so you do not choose to smoke anymore.

4. Avoid alcoholic beverages

Alcohol and cigarettes are very closely related. By avoiding alcohol can reinforce your commitment to quit smoking.

5. Looking for Area Non-Smoking

If it is an irresistible desire to smoke, go immediately to the non-smoking area. That way you can not smoke so, choose a place that can distract you from smoking such as theaters, arenas, etc. games.

6. Remember the reason you Stop Smoking.

Write on paper the reasons why you quit smoking, multiply, and display a prominent place looks like a door refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, etc.. If necessary add a photo of the person you love in it, this way proved to be able to make you remember why you quit smoking.

7. Perform other activities

Physical activity is useful as a diversionary your desire to smoke. When the body is active, then the body will release natural chemicals that will make your mood better and reduce your stress. These activities are important in the early weeks when you quit smoking, you can start from light exercise such as brisk walking. Variasikanlah type of physical activity you do to keep from getting bored.

8. Limit consumption of caffeine

Caffeine does help you fresh when you have to get up early and stay alert. But the side effects that arise are anxious, depressed and stress increases. This effect is further intensified when you are in order to reduce nicotine. So limit the use of caffeine when you're starting to quit smoking.

9. Avoid negative emotions in you

Negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression will make you want to smoke again. It would be nice if in the first week when you quit smoking, you share your feelings to people you trust. With such negative emotions can be overcome and the struggle can be continued.

10. Be patient and resist the temptation to smoke

Although friends and family should support your decision, but the tempter is still there. Avoid people who can drag you back to your smoking habit. You have to be patient to do your quit smoking activities.

Health Optimize

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