The dangerous effects of smoking

Smoking is a common practice at this time. Many people who already know that smoking can damage the health of body. Cigarettes sold freely and many people who consume it, most are men. Various research has shown high rates of cigarette consumption in each country. Currently the number of smokers continues to increase, especially in adolescence in developing countries. Ironically, many people who consume cigarettes do not know what the effect for health. Every cigarette smoked, unknowingly someone has smoked more than 4000 toxins that enter the body and 2000 of them have been declared bad for health.

The main toxins contained in cigarettes:

  • Tar, hydrocarbons which are sticky and stuck to the lungs.
  • Nicotine, the addictive substance that can affect the nerves and blood circulation. Substance is what makes smoking addictive and difficult to escape from cigarettes. This substance is shown to trigger the occurrence of lung cancer.
  • Carbon Monoxide, these substances affect the binding of hemoglobin in the blood so that blood had difficulty in binding oxygen.

Toxic effects found in cigarettes to make smokers run the risk of experiencing a wide range of diseases than people who do not inhale smoke. Active smokers tend to suffer 14 times the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, and lungs, esopagus cancer 4 times, 4 times with bladder cancer, as well as 2 times the odds of having a heart attack compared to people who do not inhale smoke.

In addition, smoking also increases the risk of a very fatal for people with pneumonia, heart failure, and high blood pressure or hypertension.
Many diseases that can occur due to be triggered by smoking, including:

  • Stomach cancer
  • Colon and cervical cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Chronic respiratory diseases
  • Stroke
  • Osteoporosis
  • Sterility
  • Miscarriage baby
  • Bronchitis
  • Cough
  • Emphysema
  • Damage to the eye

In addition to giving effect to himself, active smokers also have a negative impact on the surrounding people who are indirectly also smoke cigarettes. The people in this case is often referred to as passive smokers. There is even some research that states that passive smokers have an increased risk of various diseases have a greater than active smokers. It is ironic, isn't it?

Many communities are trying to eliminate the smoking habit in their environment. Usually they provide counseling, education about the dangers of smoking and how natural ways to quit smoking. Even at present, have found an alternative solution that cigarette smoking is often referred to as e-cigarette.

Health Optimize

2 komentar:

  1. Very correct smoking is the dangerous habit for life, it is having no one or two harmful effects but number of harmful effects it causes where the list is endless and it is likely to cause death and cancers at fast pace so quit smokign before you are late to realize anything.

  2. Smoking has many dangerous effects and it affects your whole body from head to toe. So If you want to live long and healthy life then quit smoking habit to stay safe and healthy.
